Friday, July 28, 2006


Alright, I wasnt refering to a curse word but rather a pet! It is ALIVE! Still after I stepped on it by accident. Of course its protected with a bag. Yes this is my first ever pet, its a blue fighting fish and it only cost one dollar! Plus its food is four times the fish! This is something new we shall see how long it lives.. I had this weird tingle when I transfered the fish from its bag to the jar when I was in contact with the fish. Haha..

The quality of your life depends on your thoughts.

This can be looked at many different views. For example, if you are not really well to do (didnt want to use the word poor) and you gererally think happy thoughts or am comtented you would love life! Just like me! So I never want to fastward anything. But you can never reflect on life when you are down. So yeah.. Got loads to say though well another time.


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