Thursday, June 22, 2006

Goals I guess..

I love this blog for the fact that its so private in a way that not many people read this. Thats because some would get offended and others wouldnt understand.
Someone said to me

"You are a nice guy. Dont let the army change you."

Reflecting back it has to a certain way but its spending time with the Lord never fails to bring me back. I tried to find comfort in songs on my phone but none seemed to work. Only God can give peace nothing else.
I have set some goals for myself to get a Gold for the fitness test this year and I did. I trained hard for the past two weeks pushing the limits almost destroying my body. Lots of things crossed my mind when I ran.. People that I was running for, the encouragment from various people along the route and the cash of course! Well there were people that didnt believed in me and only two that did. Its the two that matter. I have always beem telling people that there are people in your life that just pass by you.
Like my dad said
Friends are like seasons they come and go but family... is forever.


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