Sunday, July 09, 2006

It was an honest mistake..

I blew like 200 dollars today!! And its pay day so yeah.. It happens with me.. that is why I told chantille that if I have a gf now she musnt expect me to pay stuff! whahaha.. I so wish that everyday is like that! Though I talked abt ppl's blog going through the day and how boring it is but this is different!

Started off with Lunch at Tanglin Club an international buffet spread courtesy of Duncan's Mum..Mrs White (Its a really cool surname) Dropped by lvl 9 for Halo 2 and I think Duncan is TAKING SECRET LESSONS! Totally! I shall leave the details out... Oh yeah saw a singlet at Zara though it looks so hideous but I still wanna try and see it.. Totally GAY! (gray..I know so lame..haha) Just for the fun of it.

Something I will never wear around.

The align things is irritating! Cant get it to justify anyways.. Bought an AF tee and went for a haircut at Next was different coz the place is pretty posh and it was done by a Butch. Nothing against them just a first. Drinks were on Dunc at Cafe Geko (Inside Joke) Was pretty high after that leading the wrong way around Quake and talking at irregular volumes. Dropped by for a massage along hillview.. Its so so GOOD! PArt of the reason was to bring down the flusted face. haha..

Tired. Italy will Win! Money on.


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