Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tuesday Grp

On my way there with my sis an old man offered to move aside so both of us could sit together. So as usual I initated a conversation with him in Chinese mind you! Haha.. Yeah and one of the things he said was not to think so much and its interesting how how God works in our lives! Our God is never a boring God! Amen!

Indeed it was really a shift in my spiritual p.o.v I hope I can remember all the stuff to share with you.

Romans 1:21
"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God or gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened."

Yes! God's word deserves to be in Bold! Haha! Anyways yeah smth to learn from this verse is that it starts with thoughts that we have that leads to out hearts to be hardened. For example there are ppl who blame their parents for their upbringing and their hearts turn cold and fingers start to point but truth is there is restoration in Christ and in Him we are made complete! Isnt that amazing?! Another thing to note is that there are alot of things that happen or we feel about start with our thoughts.

If I were to always think about Soccer (which I am totally not! though I dont see the point in the game) then soccer is pretty Big in my life right? Just like if I were to always think about Jesus and Jesus in the same way would be magnified in my life right?! Amen! So yeah Our thoughts are so powerful! Think about Harry Potter! He always says "focus.. focus" then a spell comes to past right? So we just need to focus on Jesus! We will soon be walking like him!

Another of the many stuff I learned..

Truths are always above feelings. I mean its good to have feelings and all but we must always remember about the truth! If I feel like flying and if I jump, I would certainly die cos I cant fly! If we feel that we are not loved by God or dont feel loved in anyway I urge you to receive in the truth! That God loves you! Deut 36:5 1 John 5:1 there are just too many to put down!

Last thing! I promise Do you know whats the greatest sin?

Its unbelief! Not to believe that God doesnt exist and am sure you have heard the verse before that it is impossible to please God. Below is a verse God has promised!

Ecc 2:26
To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Well I wouldnt say I am on a Spiritual High but I have been so hungry for God in every single way! There are so many stuff that one would be open to when your hunger is so intense! I pray that you will be blessed reading this.

We are not great men of God but men with a GREAT GOD!



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