Friday, July 27, 2007

the last straw

Remember how I mentioned before that this month I have been in a way forced to grow spiritually and mature? I felt it was all put to a final test yesterday. Really.

The weeks has been tough and God had always been there; to comfort and opened my eyes to things that I have not seen. Also to comprehend beyond my understanding. Like a saying "When you have God you have denied loneliness" it was preached before only now you live to ride it.
I had a vision close to two months ago and I have no idea what it is about until yesterday then I realised what it meant. I was foolish not to seek God and I paid the price. All the while I had no peace and my spirit was troubled. I held on and it was tough. Nobody should go through it. God was my only refuge I mean ppl cant always be there.
A thousand things flashed my mind when I heard something my ears would never want to endure. Never been so broken. Never so hurt.
I really praise God for preparing me before and raising me up-working this grace and love through me. God knows my heart it was crying out so loud that I couldnt hear myself thinking properly. It was draining. One of the darkest times.
In short, things are getting back on track now. Rode out of the storm. I know we have been thought to love our neighbour as ourselves and treat others how you want to be treated. I did the only thing I could. Blessing someone. I praise God for his peace and wisdom to do the right thing. The devil will come to kill, steal and destroy but only when you fight it then you see victory.
Here is the crunch. Only when your walk is right then everything will fall into place.
Its over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

be strong, God is always there for you to cry out to Him. and so are your friends. sorry i got cut off so abruptly yst, im here to if you ever need to talk. take care ash.

7:46 PM  
Blogger Ash said...

Hey thanks for dropping by.. Yeah God is always so awesome and his love is unfailing! Sorry couldnt meet up tt day. We will do one another soon ya!

9:08 AM  

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