Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I am not angry just thought....

My day has been a roller coaster literally.

Things at SMU are looking good which means more work and orders and less time to rest.

Felt really tired and skipped class for the first time. Jo* you are right its not easy to work and study!

The rained kept me from going to class too. The ppl at work are starting to preach to me about their religion and all I do is just listen but its annoying that they want you to agree and see their point. I do see your belief but I just dont believe.

Praise God for blessing me through raymond as I fixed his pc.

Praise God for the job assignement at the golf tournment.

Praise God for answering prayers for he is a God tt listens!

Here is the crunch point. Worship should never be about the hightened emotions that a chorous brings. It should never be about what your favourite songs are! It should be about what the Holy spirit wants to do. I know I feel bitter about being pushed away but I know God has a reson for doing what he did and I really want to know what it is! I am not going to drown myself with self pity. This is just my way to let out. Its myprivatewords. So keep it between your eyes and the screen.

Help me to see the bigger picture before friday. Please.


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